Toriko Episode 34 Review

Short shit: Toriko Vs Tommy in a deadly all out battle in the hunt for some soup. How much more awesome can it get?! High budgeted, fluid moves, top-notch action, the events, the moves, the pace, the music, the end, the last hit, even the lil amount of gore, eeeeverything rocks, it’s the best ever… I rewatched it like 7 to 8 times already,, I love ittttttttttttttttttttttttt.

U’ll get ”””Spoiled””” if u haven’t watched the episode yet:

Long Shit:

Animation: Stupefying visuals. Not really consistent throughout the whole episode, but at its best, it’s really astonishing. Looks like TOEI oozed some budget outta their stock and blew a lotta money on this one. I especially loved that scene where he gave him the 12 ren punch. The details were spot on; muscle details, expression details, attack details, etc..

Now to talk about the fight itself:

The fight itself was really brilliant, and up to, in my opinion, the manga counterpart’s qualifications of the fight. Of course I’d say, it’s a million times better.

The fight takes off from last episode’s badass grin-stare scene. Toriko starts off with our lovely known red-blooded “muscle flex-air blasting” move to spruce up the party. And this time, in glorious visuals and “insufficient blood” thirst. (References FTW!!). They walk toward each other smashing the ground underneath marking the hunt’s start signal. All of course, with nice BGM augmenting that intense feel of the situation. They warm up with some hit and dodge attack style for a while, (wait, that rhymed), then comes his highness, censorship grandeur, bestowing upon us with utmost lucidity, our beloved TOEI’s never seen before ingenuity; AKA, “CensorShit”. (wait, another rhyme, no? Am I even making sense anymore? No idea 🙂

Tommy gets angry over losing a wing, then fires some water vapor shit that explodes inside Toriko’s body. Ohh, here comes ur awaited “shibaringu” moment.. hehe. Damn, then comes one of the best parts overall in visuals, action, intensity, excitement, and coolness; Toriko suddenly gets an, God knows how, extra bulk’a muscle and bone. Ya, color me intrigued 🙂 . But the scene was pretty awesome; The way he ran, the way he closed in, the way he threw that punch…. Then again, king censorship the 3rd kicks in, presenting to us how imaginative blood and amputations can get; a pile of smoke? Wait, for real? Match, now I get ya buddy, he HAS to be a stove, like c’mon, the dude is smokin everywhere, 🙂 . Well I know that in the manga, it was still kinda like a smoke cause of the water vapor, but it had some blood. And still, most other scenes shouldn’t’ve had smoke instead of blood. Despite all this, I still loved the smoke; at least they dared to show or hint that shit, unlike, say as an example in shounen anime, the Ulquiorra Vs Ishida lil scene; Bleach fans would know.

Before the final blow was struck, I tore open,,,,,,, Wait, what did I do again?? ehm, I mean, before Toriko lands the punch, Tommy blew Toriko’s hands up with some spit. Now Toriko’s hands are screwed severed!!! Nevertheless……..

Toriko “nailed” that punch epically

Tommy’s face after the hit here was well detailed so as to express his ugly monstrous appearance. And most of his facial expressions and details throughout the whole episode kicked ass. For example:

what the fuuuck!! (lol)

Tommy’s Troll-lol funlarious faces: lmao, couldn’t stop laughing.

With no time to think, Tommy gets OWNED!! Oh my God, the 13-ren, what an excellent scene. Just pause the vid and slow motion play it; Driller action!! But before he takes this manly hit, Tommy manages to basically fuck up Toriko’s already-injured arm. Now Toriko’s arm is literally severed screwed. And ya, it looked really ugly, I mean, u can see Toriko’s arm gettin’ inflated then blowing up; messed up. TOEI, why don’t u keep this up instead of TOEIing with us fans. Is it ok to show hands gettin’ blown to smithereens but bad to show a lil glimpse of blood? I also liked the next part where Tommy grabbed hold of Toriko’s arm to reduce the throwing force of the hit. A nice idea actually. Gotta hand it to shimabukuro for such creativity in a fight. Now we get a lil 2 min of Teppei awesomeness plus retardedness. I love that guy.

Tommy realizes and contemplates how he’s dealing with a gluttonous muscular meatball head with no care in the world apart from food. After Toriko stands up and “strengthens his resolve”, Tommy finally snaps, and goes 100% FULL POWER 🙂 (no references here, ok?).  And damn he looks ugly; Double the muslces, double the ugliness, double the fun. With that huge body of his, he swiftly closed in and started yet another heavy muscular meatball barrage’a punches. Toriko, in a pinch, flashbackin’ with cinemtaic records (oh wait what? This is no black butler, that’s the blue-haired butcher, dammit), recalls the wound he gave Tommy with that previous NEW kick of his, and finally grasps it;

Wait, I have a leg?

Oh my God, what a discovery indeed!!

Meanwhile, Komatsu finds the soup, gets beaten to a pulp by that tiny robo, and loses the soup!!

The most badass mind-blowing scene of all arrives; Toriko just throws his leg and 86’d Tommy’s shoulder (leg knife). Is that what they call “chiffonading into Blade Steak”? Sorry guys, I really don’t know if I’m still making sense or not 🙂 .  Then another thrust digs 4 holes in his torso (leg Fork). It was what u’d call a flabbergasting scene. An epic beautiful manly scene indeed!! Toriko, u’re the man!! Toriko uses up all his energy on those last hits and falls unconscious. Tommy gets angry, charges at the unconscious Toriko, but fails to land a hit due to some Teppei awesomeness. Here comes the boss.


Ya, many scenes were changed here and there, and they threw away any hints of blood (except for some teeny weeny lil tomato traces that beg kids to wonder if Tommy had actually spilled ketchup on himself sometime in the fight. Wait, did he? :). But hey, at least they didn’t go with the “Oh my God, my arm is soooo paralyzed that I need a full arc in Life to heal it” scenario with no amputation shit. Else it would’ve reminded me of the DBZ arabic dub where, believe it or not, instead of dying and waiting for resurrection at King Kai’s place, they’d just be extremely injured that they need his healing.  lolz indeed.  So ya, here are some snaps for ur comparison pleasure:

Final Shit:

  • I love how they keep using “shivering” over and over, oops my bad, “shibaringu”, to be precise.
  • All that deadly battle was for food? Yup, but who cares. Now don’t give me the “It’s for kids with all fights for nothin'” talk. It’s awesome bec it’s awesome. Yup, that’s how we roll.
  • Toriko is badass. The modernized Kenshiro with a lil food spice on top.
  • Tommy is a respectable villian, so as Frieza 🙂 (C’mon, i said no references 🙂 )
  • The fight is full of creativity, and the censored gore is still quite epic and conveys the messege anyhow. And one of the best things about it is that it’s purely a brawl, nothing about “saving a friend” and the likes.
  • This fight is a lovely way to end the arc while instigating that voracious atmosphere to get ya droolin’ and on edge for both, more intense grillin’ action, and some nice food after the battle, especially the “get the soup” moments.


  •  Visuals: Awesome ( It’s the best of Toriko till now, I love it :))
  • Music: (BGMs really fit the scenes here, and I’m loving the new soundtracks, like that Tommy theme,, full of rock and energy to get ya rawkin’.
  • Entertainment: Terrifically brilliant, best of all times, imo. Words couldn’t possibly describe this fight, but all i can say is that I really rewatched it around 7 to 8 times already. In other words, imo, it’s one of the best anime fights ever, and it’s Toriko’s best episode till now, so, givin how much of a scrumptious meal it was, I’m givin it a 10/10.  🙂

This is actually my first review ever, and I hope it’s to ur liking. Ya, I tend to take the “sarcastic” route sometimes, but that’s prolly because of how epic I find the series, NOT because I’m makin fun whatsoever. I’m probably not gonna review on a regular basis, but if I get some time I’ll be sure to cook some more.

Well, I think I’m done here. Guys, be sure to give ur opinions on both, the episode, and the review. Until then. Food Luck!!

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5 Responses to Toriko Episode 34 Review

  1. Pingback: Episode Review

  2. Squiggly~ says:

    But seriously, good review.
    Just touch up those little things I told you about ;P

  3. Natsu says:

    Nice Review, I loved the episode too.

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